Thyroid Support Gold 鐢茬姸鑵烘敮鎸侀噾

Thyroid Support Gold 鐢茬姸鑵烘敮鎸侀噾


PaiteAngel Thyroid Support Gold


Help your cat achieve balanced thyroid health with PaiteAngel Thyroid Support Gold, a natural supplement specially formulated to support cats with hyperthyroidism. Our blend features a carefully selected combination of herbs renowned for their beneficial properties:

  • Bugleweed: Known for its ability to naturally regulate thyroid hormone production.
  • Lemon Balm: Helps to calm and soothe anxious cats while supporting thyroid health.
  • Rehmannia Root: A traditional herb used to support adrenal function and overall vitality.
  • Bupleurum Root: Promotes liver health and helps to detoxify the body, supporting the endocrine system.
  • Motherwort: Offers calming properties and supports cardiovascular health.
  • Skullcap: Aids in reducing nervous tension and promoting relaxation.
  • Heal All Fruit Spike: Renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Amalaki Fruit: Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it supports immune health and overall wellness.

Key Features:

  • Holistic Formula: Our blend of natural ingredients works synergistically to promote thyroid balance and overall well-being in cats.
  • Calming Effects: Ingredients like lemon balm and skullcap help to reduce stress and anxiety commonly associated with hyperthyroidism.
  • Immune Support: Amalaki fruit and other herbs provide powerful antioxidants to strengthen your cat’s immune system.
  • Liver and Adrenal Support: Bupleurum root and rehmannia root support vital organs, aiding in the detoxification process and adrenal health.
  • Easy to Administer: Our supplement is designed to be palatable and easy to give to your cat.


  • Naturally regulates thyroid hormone levels
  • Promotes calmness and reduces anxiety
  • Supports liver and adrenal function
  • Enhances immune system
  • Provides holistic support for hyperthyroid cats

Why Choose PaiteAngel Thyroid Support Gold? At Deluxe Pets, we understand the challenges of managing your cat’s hyperthyroidism. Our PaiteAngel Thyroid Support Gold supplement offers a natural, effective solution to help your cat maintain optimal thyroid health and overall wellness. Trust in our dedication to quality and holistic health for your feline friend.

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PaiteAngel 甲状腺支持金


帮助您的猫咪实现甲状腺健康平衡,PaiteAngel 甲状腺支持金是一款专为支持甲状腺功能亢进的猫咪设计的天然补充剂。我们的配方精选了一系列著名的草药,这些草药因其有益的特性而闻名:

  • 地黄草: 以其自然调节甲状腺激素产生的能力而著称。
  • 柠檬香蜂草: 帮助安抚和舒缓焦虑的猫咪,同时支持甲状腺健康。
  • 地黄根: 一种传统草药,用于支持肾上腺功能和整体活力。
  • 柴胡: 促进肝脏健康,帮助身体解毒,支持内分泌系统。
  • 益母草: 提供镇静作用,支持心血管健康。
  • 黄芩: 有助于减少神经紧张,促进放松。
  • 夏枯草: 以其抗炎和抗氧化特性而著称。
  • 余甘子: 富含维生素C和抗氧化剂,支持免疫健康和整体健康。


  • 整体配方: 我们的天然成分组合协同工作,促进甲状腺平衡和猫咪的整体健康。
  • 镇静效果: 像柠檬香蜂草和黄芩这样的成分有助于减少与甲状腺功能亢进相关的压力和焦虑。
  • 免疫支持: 余甘子和其他草药提供强大的抗氧化剂,以增强猫咪的免疫系统。
  • 肝脏和肾上腺支持: 柴胡和地黄根支持重要器官,帮助解毒过程和肾上腺健康。
  • 易于服用: 我们的补充剂设计为美味且易于给猫咪服用。


  • 自然调节甲状腺激素水平
  • 促进镇静,减少焦虑
  • 支持肝脏和肾上腺功能
  • 增强免疫系统
  • 为甲状腺功能亢进的猫咪提供整体支持

为什么选择PaiteAngel 甲状腺支持金? 在Deluxe Pets,我们了解管理猫咪甲状腺功能亢进的挑战。我们的PaiteAngel 甲状腺支持金补充剂提供了一种天然、有效的解决方案,帮助您的猫咪保持最佳的甲状腺健康和整体健康。信赖我们对质量和整体健康的承诺,为您的猫咪提供最佳护理。

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